Category Archives: Women Human Rights Defenders

#UsWomenDefenders: The impacts of violence

Chapter 2, The impacts of violence

part one

Women defenders confront specific forms of violence with respect to men.  Amongst the most common aggressions that women defenders in Mesoamerica experience are psychological threats, defamation, smear campaigns, threats, criminalisation, sexual violence or killings. Continue reading #UsWomenDefenders: The impacts of violence

Being a woman human rights defender

Chapter 1, Us, defenders – What does it mean to be a defender?

Being a woman human rights defender is a commitment for life.  It implies breaking stereotypes defined by the patriarchal society in a context of structural inequalities, impunity, corruption, organised crime, misogyny, lgbt-phobia, hateful discourses, extractivism, neo-liberal policies and the closing of civic space. Continue reading Being a woman human rights defender

“Let’s plant ourselves in the earth so that our light shines out and gender-based violence does not even cast a shadow”

In the early hours of Sunday morning, under the light of a bright moon and with an invincible interior strength, women and their partners, the caregivers and dreamers of the Cuerpos Gramaticales collective woke up to carry out a special commemoration: after a year of preparation the day had arrived for the Cuerpos Gramaticales performance-action. Continue reading “Let’s plant ourselves in the earth so that our light shines out and gender-based violence does not even cast a shadow”