Different Aspects of Protection

Chapter 5: Different aspects of protection

We can´t speak any more of individual or fragmented protection.  We must advance towards a collective vision of protection with strategies that go further than security towards a holistic focus that puts selfcare, collective care and healing at the centre, that recuperates historic memory, that positions women defenders as active subjects in terms of security, incorporating practices to manage day to day risks inside organisations, movements and communities.

Chapter 6: The feminist focus in protection

The feminist focus is a key tool to understand, identify and attend to the risks and specific violations that women defenders face.  It also incorporates a critical analysis of these realities in the sphere of the rights they defend and the actors that interact with a goal of defining holistic protection measures for women defenders. Feminism positions the creation of networks, selfcare and empowerment as the foundation of the process of protection, with the construction of safe spaces and trust in order to confront isolation; to make the most out of resources, tools and collective knowledge; and to strengthen movements and organisations to become more sustainable from a position of sorority.

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